Classic American Baseball Party

Take me out to the ball game..... My son is really into Baseball so for his 4th birthday we threw a classic American baseball party for him. His favorite player is Babe Ruth which was our inspiration. For his gift I also redid part of his room in vintage baseball décor. The Babe Ruth sign you see in the pictures is now on his wall but went well as a part of the centerpiece of the table! The party was so much fun that I didn't even pick up my camera to take pictures. The pictures below were compliments of others gracious enough to send them to me afterwards for keepsake!

Here is my version of a Veggie and Fruit Tray Ball Field! I really loved making this. Home and first are fruit dip and second and third are ranch for the veggies. The pitchers mound is pineapple.

Baseball cupcakes... would you expect anything less???  With a bat candle!

Classic Coca-Coal in the glass bottle! I was not sure if our crowd would like these... Who was I kidding everyone loved them. My mother-in-law even requested the glass bottles for her vintage collection. I think she said she was going to make wind-chimes out of them!

The table spread with Cracker Jacks, Peanuts and Baby Ruth Bars! We also had hot dogs with chili and all the toppings. The weather was also pretty warm although wet so everyone got a bit muddy!

Our sweet little family decked out in baseball gear! The boys wore "You're killing me smalls" shirts from the Sandlot movie and the girls wore "Love Baseball" shirts. Derek got a dust buster for his birthday (he asked for it) and it has been the BEST GIFT EVER!

Derek eating his birthday cupcake!

Anna rocking her baseball hat!

Hope you all had a equally awesome weekend!

From my family to yours...
Peace, Love & Homeruns!!!


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