Nacho Taco Casserole

Do you know what you call cheese that is not yours????? Nacho Cheese!

For those who know me you can imagine what my face looks like when saying that!

So this Nacho Taco Casserole...... Yummy and crowd pleasing!

I have a few friends dealing with some difficult personal issues. As a true friend you worry about them and want you to know I'm thinking about you..... =)

About a month ago was my daughters first week at school. I've been fortunate enough to keep her home with us the first year just as I did Derek. I did have a lot of help but I think its extremely important that first year to be surrounded by family. I remember when pregnant with my second child being told it gets easier with your second to leave them at school or with others.... I don't know what they were thinking or who they were fooling because it does not! However the only difference was I was more aware of my emotions and tried to keep them at bay in front of her. In her first week she was already finger painting at school, playing with others, and making new friends. I on the other hand was crying my eyes out at home missing her! My husband had to console me a few times.... What can I say? I had children to enjoy them! However after all was said and done she is enjoying school and I'm coping better. Here is her first day picture.

Peace, Love and Homeruns!


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