Pesto Pizza Tart

Pesto is so beautifully yummy! It makes any dish super tasty! One of my go-to meals for lunch is this Pesto Pizza! It’s easy and tasty! It also pairs well with a salad for a light quick fare!

1 refrigerated pizza crust 13.8 oz

2 cups shredded mozzarella cheese

3-4 tomatoes

1/2 cup parmesan cheese

1/2 cup mayonnaise

1 tsp minced garlic

4 tbs basil pesto

1/2. tsp ground pepper


Preheat oven to 425 and gather your ingredients.

Unroll pizza dough on a greased baking sheet. Peirce with a fork.

Bake about 8 minutes or until lightly browned.

In a bowl mix parmesan cheese, mayonnaise, garlic, 1/2 cup mozzarella, pesto, and pepper.

Slice your tomatoes.

Sprinkle 1 1/2 cups mozzarella on pizza crust.

Evenly spread out your sliced tomatoes on top of the cheese.

Spoon on your basil sauce and spread out.

Finish baking 10-15 minutes or until cheese is melted and crust is lightly browned. Cut, serve and Enjoy!

While reading the “O” magazine I read two quotes that really stuck with me. I have pondered them for a few days. See for yourself...

  1. Who hurt you so bad that you need to do the same to others?
  2. How does one learn to give unconditional love in a world that judges everything about you?

I’m currently doing an Advocare cleanse and have been really trying to take better care of myself. Eating right, exercising, feeding my spirituality too. I’ve come to realize my body has really changed and on the surface there are a few things I was at first disappointed to see. I have a waistline that I will forever be trying to make flat, wrinkles on the forehead and checks, and a chest that has never looked the same. However they are just that... things on the surface! I’ve come to realize something amazing! I have wrinkles because I smile so much and have so much joy in my life! I have a larger waistline because I grew two healthy babies in my tummy! And my chest well if you’re a mom you know.....

So beyond the surface I’m blessed beyond measure and have reminded myself true beauty and happiness lies within! I hope by reading my blog perhaps you've stopped and realized some of the many blessing you have the beauty you have within.

Peace, Love and Homeruns!


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