Meatloaf and Maxey

Everyone in my household loves meatloaf! Sometimes my son will have it at school and then unknowingly I make it for dinner too. He feels like he won the lottery that day since he got to have it twice! I always accompany my meatloaf with creamy mashed potatoes and buttered corn.

At Christmas we usually have a special night set out for each special family to enjoy time with. One year at KK's she made meatloaf and it just melted in our mouth. I thought gosh, what is she doing to this that makes it so wonderful so she shared how she makes it. I now call this KK's meatloaf!

I like that I can make this ahead of time and then just pop it in the oven at the right time for dinner. I always make sure I make enough for leftovers because even the second day this is amazing and hearty for my growing babies!

Maxey was our first baby. Matt and I adopted her at a benefit we attended. When we got up that particular morning and even on our way to the benefit we had no intentions of adopting a dog. But if you even remotely know me I'm a sucker for puppy dog eyes. As we passed the cages and scratched some ears we found her staring at us. We opened the cage and she plopped right down on my lap as if she owned me! Well needless to say it didn't take long for us to come to the conclusion we just gained a family member!

I caught Derek loving on Maxey while there were sitting outside enjoying the breeze. Please excuse my dead plants as its winter in Texas. Maxey loves Derek and Anna! She always sits in a way that she places herself in front of them and any danger that might come their way. Also anytime someone approaches us she stands at attention until she knows they are friendly... even if we know them! She is the most amazing family dog!

Maxey sneaking a snooze in Derek's bed with Pooh Bear. She loves sleeping at the foot of his bed.

Anna getting her cuddle time in with Maxey too.

Hope your week is filled with warm sunshine and scrumptious meatloaf!

Peace, Love and Homeruns!


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